Shawn Genlloud's Portfolio

Portfolio Site

My Contribution

I designed and developed this entire portfolio over a few months in my down time, from the host, domain, markup, styling and code. I would usually go with the GIT Flow, with a development branch and code reviews as the merge process, but I didn't want to jump through all those hoops just to prove that I have a process. There's even a staging environment for this site, through Vercel too. (Repository link)


Product Description

My portfolio website, was built with the sole purpose of being analysed by technical individuals. With everything left clean, native and completely custom. This includes achieving a perfect Lighthouse score(before 3rd party tracking), in order to ensure quality, load performance and search optimisations.

I've also integrated a chat bot(Drift), Google Analytics and heatmap(Hotjar) tracking, in order to try get the most out of this site for my targeted audience.


Maybe make this from a Next.js application, however a raw understanding of the tech does show my deep comprehension of the subject matter.